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Radioactive Evolution Page 8
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Page 8
Jared smacked his forehead. “Good point, I didn’t even think about that.”
He was about to leave the room when something on the other side caught his attention. Skirting around Scarlet, he prodded the rubble with his foot and found a lockbox that looked intact. The letters on the side were indistinguishable, but he’d seen similar designs throughout this sub-level. He tried to open the lid, but it wouldn’t budge. Jared grabbed a jagged scrap of metal nearby and jammed it into the crease of the box.
The lid refused to budge until he started bashing it with a chunk of concrete. With a hiss, the lid popped open.
Jared peered inside and saw several sealed packages, including a pair of utilitarian black pants and several black shirts.
A uniform? wondered Jared.
It didn’t matter what they looked like at this point. Anything was better than the nasty rags he wore, and he’d already discarded his last shirt before the previous fight. At the same time, he didn’t want to put clean clothes on his filthy body. Stripping off his pants, Jared flipped them inside out and furiously scrubbed his dirty body.
It wasn’t the best way to clean off, but without any water or sand, it was the best option at the moment and he didn’t want to walk around shirtless. His body as clean as he could get it, he threw them into a corner and donned the new outfit. The shirt was a little baggy, while the pants too snug, but it was better than nothing and he didn’t complain.
Who cares? Jared shrugged. I’m just happy to have clothes that’ll protect me.
“Okay, let’s get out of here.”
Jared paused at the threshold, a thought tickling the back of his mind. Did my increased perception help me see that box?
Shrugging, he stepped into the hallway, his Colt held in front of him as he surveyed the area. He looked around and noticed a layer of dust coating the floor. The only footprints were Scarlet’s.
“Which way to the stairs?”
Follow me.
Jared followed Scarlet a short distance back the way they’d come. He sprinted up the stairs, shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight as he neared the top. Upon reaching the top, he stood in the warmth of the sun for several minutes, basking in its embrace and the freedom of the open air.
We need to move; something is stalking us.
Where? Jared asked in his mind, immediately going on the defensive but careful not to give away that he was aware or make any sudden movements.
I do not know for certain, but as soon as we exited I heard shuffling, and the noise moved to several different positions the past few minutes.
Let’s head out of the city and see if it follows us. We can deal with it when there aren’t so many places to hide.
Jared jogged back down the street towards his makeshift home. He stayed alert, listening for signs of something, or someone, following them. Sure enough, he could hear the slight shifts of rubble Scarlet described.
Scarlet, we’ll skirt the city before heading away from it. I don’t want to lead whatever is following us to where I’ve been sleeping.
They reached the outskirts of the city and headed north, following the perimeter. After they’d traveled about a mile, Jared walked towards a fallen bridge and started down its length. Reaching an exceptionally steep area, he turned around to descend, using the opportunity to scan behind him. What he saw made him pause.
A lithe figure darted behind a fallen piece of the road.
It’s another explorer!
Jared hadn’t seen another human being in over a year. He hadn’t realized it before, but he ached to speak with another person. Acting as though nothing was amiss, he continued his descent.
Scarlet, there is another explorer following us, but they’re probably afraid to approach with you nearby. Let’s cross over to my shelter. I don’t anticipate we’ll stay there any longer after today anyway. In fact, it’s probably best we get as far from this city as possible. The destruction caused by your mother might attract the cities’ attention, and I don’t want them to find out about you.
Two hours later, Jared entered his small shelter beneath the Statue of Liberty. Scarlet barely fit inside but managed to squeeze herself through the opening.
“I’ll see if they want to confront me without you around,” Jared said as he walked outside and sat on a boulder.
He waited for an hour before he heard a slight rustle and looked up to see a figure crouched on the roof of the structure.
“Hello, my name is Jared,” he said, giving a friendly wave.
Jared winced at hearing his own voice. He bumbled like an idiot, his words coming out choppy. He was definitely lacking in social interaction these days, and for whatever reason, he felt more comfortable talking with Scarlet, a dragon, than his own kind.
“Hello?” Jared asked again. “Do you speak English?”
Crouched as they were and wearing a balaclava, he couldn’t tell if it was a skinny man, woman, or child. Several minutes passed, but they refused to speak. This small, unassuming person didn’t appear a threat to him or Scarlet, but Jared remained wary just in case.
Scarlet, there might be more than one person, but I can’t be certain. Please keep your senses on guard for anyone else approaching. For all I know, this small person could kick my butt, but for some reason, it strikes me as odd to see someone so small out solo.
“All right, suit yourself. I’m going inside before it gets dark,” Jared said, walking back into the room. Half an hour later, the tiny person crept through the opening. As soon as the stranger passed the threshold and saw Scarlet, they drew their weapon on her.
“No!” Jared dove in front of Scarlet to protect her from the intruder. “Do not harm her!” Jared roared as he leveled his Colt at the intruder.
“B-b-but—it’s a—”
“I know what she is. If you harm her, I will kill you.” Jared warned, pulling the hammer back on his Colt. For emphasis.
The strange woman placed her weapon back in its holster and held up her hands. “I mean no harm. I—I’ve never seen a d-dragon before. It’s a dragon, right?”
She. Yes, I am a dragon!
Scarlet rose from the corner and bared her wickedly sharp teeth at the newcomer.
The tiny woman grabbed her head and stumbled back in surprise. Her eyes darted between Scarlet and Jared in shock, unbelieving that she’d just heard a voice in her head.
All right, you’ve had your fun Scarlet, Jared said, a hint of amusement in his words.
Scarlet lay back down and closed her eyes, feigning disinterest, but Jared knew her senses were on high alert as she listened for other people nearby.
“That was Scarlet’s way of saying she’ll eat you if you try anything.”
If Scarlet could smile, she would’ve had a malicious, ear-to-ear grin plastered on her face. She positively radiated smug satisfaction. Jared shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
The small woman stammered in fear, saying, “M-m-my name is Iliana.”
She had a faint accent, but Jared couldn’t quite place it and asked, “Where are you from?”
“I traveled from a survivor colony down south, near the Florida panhandle, at least what was left of it. Most of the coast along the gulf no longer exists. Earthquakes and erratic weather patterns are eroding the coast. I wouldn’t be surprised if Florida eventually breaks off from the rest of the continent,” explained Iliana.
“I’ve never traveled that far south. I think the furthest I’ve been is North Carolina,” Jared stated. “What are you doing this far north?”
“I came in search of nanite injections. I’m almost out.” The despair in her voice reminded Jared of his own desperate search just a short time ago, and although he wanted to help her out, he thought better of it. He didn’t know this person or her intentions. Part of him wanted to tell her about the real reason they ha
d to take a shot every few years, but caution prevailed, and he left it unspoken.
What if... an idea formed in the back of his mind, and Jared mentally nudged Scarlet to ask about it.
Scarlet, if she touched you, would you be able to project images to her like your mother did with me, or find out what her intentions are?
I can.
I think we need to find out why she’s really here, and it might be the fastest way to make sure she’s not a threat.
“Iliana, what are your plans? Will you stay here?”
“Well, based on the looks of this place and your gear, you’ve already been here for quite some time.” She pointed to the phase pistol strapped to his side.
Jared berated himself for leaving it out to see.
“I imagine anything worth finding, you’ve already found. So, we—I—I’ll move on, but I could use a place to rest tonight?” she said hopefully.
Jared feigned ignorance at her slip of pronouns confirming she wasn’t alone. Pretending as if he hadn’t notice, Jared sent Scarlet a mental confirmation of his suspicions.
“I have a request before I let you stay with us. Scarlet has a…unique way of communicating. She can project thoughts using telepathy. You already experienced one aspect of it. I’d like for you to speak with her to confirm your story.”
“I have to touch her?”
Iliana sounded skeptical, but Jared reassured her and even shuffled over to sit next to Scarlet.
Slowly, Iliana inched her way closer and tentatively reached out to touch Scarlet. As soon as her hand made contact, Scarlet dove into her mind.
“Whoa!” Iliana broke contact and fell back on her butt.
“It’s okay. It scared me at first too. I probably should’ve warned you to sit before you touched her.”
With more confidence, she reached out her hand again and touched Scarlet on the tip of her snout. Scarlet dove into her thoughts again.
Jared, she is afraid of something. It is hard to see, but she does not want us to find out.
“Iliana, are you here by yourself?”
She is not telling the whole truth.
Jared amended his question and asked, “Did you come to this city by yourself?”
“Um, uh,” stammered Iliana.
She’s not alone, Jared.
Alarm shot through Jared, and he drew his Colt. He’d not heard or seen anyone else, but it was possible Iliana kept them occupied long enough for them to sneak up on them.
Scarlet, can you hear or sense anyone else close by?
No, but my senses are still developing, and this concrete room prevents me from sensing very far.
“Where are your friends?” demanded Jared.
“I don’t know.”
Jared looked to Scarlet.
“Won’t they come looking for you?” Jared interrogated her, brandishing his Colt in front of her.
“Yes, b-but I d-didn’t tell anyone where I was going. If they didn’t see me leave the city, they—”
“Quiet!” Jared held up a hand to cut her off.
Did you hear that?
Yes, there is movement outside.
Jared wracked his brain for a way out of this predicament. They had no idea what these people wanted yet and if they had more firepower than Iliana, he and Scarlet might be in trouble.
“Iliana, why did you come to this city? The truth. You cannot lie to Scarlet.” Jared pointed his Colt at her while she tried to hedge away from Scarlet. “Don’t even think about it. Also, if any of your friends walk in here, I’ll shoot first and ask questions later. Tell them to stay out.”
Iliana pressed her lips into a thin line and narrowed her eyes. Jared cocked the hammer on his weapon once more.
No one responded to her call.
“Call him again,” Jared demanded.
“Loch!” A few seconds passed before a deep accented voice punctuated the silence.
“Iliana? Are you okay?”
“I am.”
Jared shook his head at her and narrowed his eyes.
“I am fine for now. Stay out there. There’s a man and a—”
Jared pressed the revolver against her head and whispered, “Say nothing about Scarlet.”
“There’s a man here named Jared. He wants you to stay out there until he finds out what we’re doing here.” Jared nodded his head at Iliana and lowered his weapon.
“Jared? My name is Loch. I’m in charge of our group here. We are explorers on a scavenging mission to find weapons and injectors.”
“Why did you follow me here then? I’m not giving you any of my gear, and there’s no other reason for you to sneak up on me unless you have ill intent.”
Scarlet? Can you get a read on any of them, or Iliana here?
I can hear them talking outside. It is jumbled, but it sounds like they are discussing ways to get in here.
“Iliana, why did you follow me here?” asked Jared quietly, his voice promising violence if he didn’t like the answer.
“I...I wanted to find out what she was,” Iliana said, pointing to Scarlet.
Partial truth.
“Why else?”
Iliana looked nervous, her eyes darting back and forth between himself and the doorway.
Jared could see the calculation in her eyes, debating if she could make it through before he pulled the trigger.
“Don’t even think about escaping. I promise you won’t make it a single step before I shoot you or Scarlet bites you in half.”
Jared watched her eyes widen in fear, and he heard an audible gulp as her shoulders dropped in defeat.
“We—we would’ve taken your gear from you,” she said, deflated.
Jared’s brain went into overdrive. He needed to find a way out of here, preferably without killing anyone. He had no qualms about killing mutated creatures, but he wouldn’t kill another human being if he could help it.
Scarlet, I think we need to go on the offensive before they come up with a plan to storm this room.
Before she could answer, a deep bass voice called from outside.
“We’ve got you surrounded. Send Iliana out and no one needs to get hurt.”
Time’s up.
Jared needed to act before it was too late.
What are we going to do, Scarlet?
Kill them.
Scarlet’s response frightened Jared. Although, given the history of dragons with humans, it shouldn’t. Still, it wasn’t something he’d considered at all. He’d never killed another person, nor did he plan to unless forced into a situation where he had to defend himself or Scarlet.
We aren’t killing them, Jared said with a note of finality. I know you don’t trust humanity yet, but if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m not a murderer.
As you wish.
Jared knew she didn’t approve, but thankfully would follow his lead.
Scarlet, can you stun them using telepathy? Like what your mom did when she spoke to me that first time?
I can try, but my telepathy is much weaker. At the very least it should confuse them.
“Wait!” Jared yelled to the people outside. “Iliana. How many companions do you have out there?”
She hesitated, clearly not wanting to answer the question. She flicked her eyes to the revolver in his hand and reluctantly answered.
Can you put Iliana to sleep like you did with me?
Iliana slumped unceremoniously to the floor, and Scarlet stepped over her unconscious form.
We take them on the count of three. Don’t use lethal force unless absolutely necessary.
Jared held up his fingers and slowly ticked them down. On o
ne, he crouched and lunged for the door accompanied by a wave of psionic pressure he felt at the back of his mind. Thankfully, his bond with Scarlet shielded him from the mental assault, otherwise he’d be disoriented like their assailants.
Jared blurred into motion, his new strength and speed easily pushing beyond normal human limits. One blow was all it took to render each person unconscious. The closest assailant to the door was a tall six-foot, six-inch brute dual-wielding pistols. Even with his massive size, one punch to the temple was all it took to bring him toppling down. Looking around for the fourth, and final target, Jared found him crouched on top of the room he’d just left. The man recovered from Scarlet’s mental assault and fired at him. Jared dove behind a rock as the bullet sent shards of rock flying on impact.
He heard the person scramble for a better position, but before they could fire another round, a wet slap and thump announced the arrival of Scarlet. Peeking from behind his cover, Jared saw Scarlet standing over the last member of the party.
“Scarlet, is he—”
He is alive, Scarlet said tersely.
Jared could do nothing to appease Scarlet at the moment, nor was it a good time to address their disagreement. Jared gathered all of their weapons and gear into a pile, just inside his shelter. Their packs he set off to the side for inspection. One by one, he dragged their bodies into the room and tied their legs together using belts and straps from their own gear. The party of five seemed an unlikely group. However, a tattoo on each of their necks spoke of their involvement. It portrayed a dagger dipped in blood, surrounded by a tribal pattern with a nuclear hazard symbol encompassing the whole design.
Maybe it’s a symbol for the group they belong to, thought Jared.
He’d ask about it once they woke up. In the meantime, he went through their packs and discovered a dozen boosters and dozens of boxes of ammunition. Jared thought back to Iliana’s sob story about being low on nanites and reprimanded his naivety. She’d acted genuine, but from now on, Scarlet would fact check anyone’s story.
“Looks like she lied to us Scarlet,” Jared said, holding up the boosters for her to see. “I should’ve been more cautious from the start.”
I know you had good intentions, whether I agreed with them or not.